Persephone Brown is a Certified Health Coach. She studied nutrition at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and has certifications from IIN, the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and the Teacher's College of Columbia University. Persephone believes that you are what you eat & so much is food and yet, it is SO not about the food. In this space she looks at all of it.
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Hello, it's me...
- My name is Persephone (pronounced Per-Se-Fone-y), and I live on a tiny island out at sea with my family. I have been health coaching and running guided cleanses for 8 years, and recently opened a cafe (on said tiny island) which offers beautiful food in a creative setting.
- It is my goal in all relationships, to feel the other persons story. I find slipping into another's shoes, the gift of compassion, is one I hold dear and wish we could all experience that kind of understanding.
- I am a mom to a 6 and 1 year old. This is one piece of a very big, complicated, and delicious pie. I love being a nurturer to my children. I also love the parts of myself that came before motherhood, and work to nurture them as well.
- I am an introverted extrovert. I crave connection, hate to miss a party, and love being in a room full of people, but often find myself the most quiet person in the room. With a little good music, come some serious dance moves.
- Over the years, I have become friends with almost exclusively highly sensitive people, including my son. Some have even referred to me as an HSP whisperer, despite the fact that I am not an HSP myself.
- I have shifted the idea that it is happiness I seek, and have come to understand that happiness is elusive, complicated, and you never know the bouts of true happiness without it's counter. Instead, I focus on growth, change, movement, and fulfillment.
- Food is my work, it is my love language, and sharing beautiful healthy food makes me crazy happy. To bear witness to another's passion for nutritious food ignite, may make me the absolute happiest person in that moment of combustion.
- Where I drop the ball:: My dental health:: I truly need to floss more because in reality our mouth is no separate from the rest of our body and it effing matters. Mindfulness of technology:: I could stand to put the phone down more often, and work to find balance in this area always. My environmental impact:: since kids, I find it difficult to remember to bring my bags to the grocery store, my mug to the coffee shop, and to say no to cheap plastic toys.